Welcome to How2BHappy – a blog that helps people pick what makes them happy, and kick what doesn’t.
How2BHappy is the home for people who want to celebrate the only life we have. (For the time being, anyway.)
It’s the home for people who want to explore new happy ideas, and sometimes even new happy habits, to make better life both for themselves and for the world.
Here we can learn together how to kick the crappy loads out of our time, our relationships, our environment and our feelings. To leave nothing but whatever makes us happy and helpful.
We can learn to live more peacefully, and more fully.
And have fun all along.
My Journey: From A Neurotic Perfectionist To A Peaceful Explorer
Being happy wasn’t my cup of beer when I began my adult life. For years I carried the world’s pains voluntarily on my slumped shoulders, until I heavily wanted to die. Only then did I realize that my life depends on finding the road to happiness.

Since then, I’ve left no stone unturned on my way to becoming happier and merrier. I changed houses, spouses, and occupations (such as palm-reading, software engineering, teaching in a drug rehabilitation center, writing, editing, environmentalism, and motherhood, which gets in the way of everything else).
In my quest for joy, I’ve traveled dozens of countries (dragging my complaining family with me). Never, along my winding way to bliss, have I missed an opportunity to broaden my overwrought horizons. On top of the degrees I dug and the innumerable books I’ve absorbed, I’ve tried out any promising way-of-life I encountered (including Shamanism, Art Therapy, The Slow Movement, Taoism, Minimalism, Mindful Sexuality, The Work of Byron Katie, Buddhism, Channeling, Dina Eizen’s Optimistic Health, and so on and so forth).
And amazingly, it’s working.
Each piece of wisdom I snatch brings joy to my life. As I keep experiencing, and undergoing the compulsory ups and downs, I’m gradually getting rid of my ghastly limits. My family’s life, needless to say, is becoming blissful, cheerful, and helpful.
This blog is here to share the insights (and outsights) I dirtily unearth along my rocking journey through life. It examines our sacred cows, and barbeque some of them. It tries to look in the eye of our obstructions, be it possessions, connections or convictions, and make them embarrassedly slog away.
How2bhappy is here so you won’t have to spend decades confusedly distinguishing between the crappy and the happy like I did . You can learn from my bitter trials, errors, and delicious discoveries, and live (almost) effortlessly just as happily.
How2bhappy aspires, with your help, to free us to focus on what really matters –making us all better and happier.
I believe that, together, we can learn how to make it happen.
So don’t worry. Let’s be happy.
Estee Horn
You’re more than welcome to share your ideas, questions, recommendations, suggestions, and your wisdom in general:
The images on this website are given to it by the photographer Ilan Horn.
Visit his site: https://ilanhorn.photography
The exception is the head-shot, which was taken by Tsippi Zinger .
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