All of my books are available for purchase as PDF eBooks, Kindle eBooks or Paperbacks:
The Wrong Empress My Husband & Other Passions Happily Ever After
The Wrong Empress

Bernice leads her people against Rome ready to face death, not an obvious romance with the enemy warlord. But no irresistible lover would stop her from becoming an empress-de-facto and turning the empire upside down.
In super-capitalistic Rome, the masses lose their homes to finance billionaires’ parties of stuffed-dormice. After the revolutionary leader who overturned bankers’ tables was crucified, and her debt-ridden father has attempted suicide, the infuriated Bernice ignites a revolt against the tycoons pulling the strings of Rome.
When the rebellion spreads over the entire eastern empire, the tycoons dispatch Titus Vespasian Flavius to crush it, and Berenice invites him for negotiations. With such perilous imparity of positions and worldviews, the passionate rebel and the unyielding general can’t help but fall hopelessly in love.
The fanatic rebels, naturally, denounce Bernice as a traitor and endeavor to kill her and her formidable sweetheart. The tycoons require the elimination of Bernice. Her people are also required to pay for taking back the power, in their money, and in their blood.
Bernice must try to stay alive, save her lover, prevent her people’s bloodbath, and overturn the empire’s economy.
She can’t have it all, though. She would have to choose.
She would also have to mislead everyone. Including history.
Up until now.
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My Husband and Other Passions

Amber, a passionate bachelorette skilled at cooking, eating, and dating horrible guys, finally finds her true love and marries him. She gives up her pastoral life in the middle of nowhere to live with him in the city, but finds out she needs space, open space. Her better half, however, hiding a traumatic secret, refuses to move to the sticks.
Amber seeks nature all over the place. As a teacher, she tries to bring a bit of wilderness to the nature-deficit-disordered kids of the city, only to infuriate her control freak bosses. Meanwhile she unearths nature in her cooking ingredients, her body, and her beloved dog, thus discovering nature’s lost powers.
When the city life jeopardizes her dog, Amber must use nature’s powers to determine where home is, and to head into the fight that will turn the city upside down.
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Happily Ever Before :
Barbecuing the Sacred Cows of Singlehood

Shattering The 50 Nasty Myths About Love!
For some mysterious reason, we believe that we’ll live happily together in a romantic relationship beginning at the age of sixteen and continuing till death do us part. Whenever we don’t experience love based on passion, understanding and a deep spiritual connection, we perceive it as a peculiar mistake of destiny and wait for this abnormal state to end.
Being single can feel quite burdensome if we carry on our slumped shoulders a mass of weighty sacred cows, with their firm judgments on love and solitariness. For example, the belief that we lack the only necessity in life, since all we need is love, might be somewhat discouraging. The perception that our true love would ride his white horse to our tower, preferably through a wall of thorns, can also make an active search for love seem inconceivable. Moving the sacred herd out of our embittered way could, therefore, show us how to behave differently, and free us to blissfully celebrate the life we want.
HAPPILY EVER BEFORE is based on the millions of years my friends and I had gone through as bachelorettes, divorcees and widows, and on missing the blessedness of singlehood when some of us got married. Humorously shattering the myths, which prevent us from either enjoy singlehood or leave it behind, can free us to carry out our dreams.
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India & Nepal
Family Travel Guide and Travelogue

India is becoming an attractive destination for families. Offering breathtaking sights, fascinating activities and luxurious conditions at an affordable price, India can make your dream vacation come true. This book includes the information you need for traveling North-India and Nepal with your children. It also includes our family journeys’ travelogue and insights, to help you sense the experiences you can expect in India:
“Yesterday we went sailing on the lake. The harmony was somewhat imperfected by the hysterical screams whenever anyone breathed and the boat swung dangerously. The contradicting instructions everyone shouted at everyone else didn’t add to the idyll, either. The disputes were naturally accompanied by impetuous waving of oars that caused floods of water to pour over us from unexpected directions. Our family’s relationships, obviously, only strengthened under the pressure.”
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